About Adam & Katie
& The Wilson Family

Hi there! We're Adam and Katie Wilson. We live in Sonoma County, and have four boys: three at home with us, Deutro (10), Ames (8), and Aden (3), and one in Atlanta, MASON (19).
In December 2021 we lost our baby girl to fetal demise during pregnancy. We named her Korrie Dei.
Through the following year we experienced one loss after another and were shaken to the core with hardship in nearly every area of life.
In the midst of our trials and desperation, we received help from God through an organization called Standing Stone Ministries, as well as through a few faithful friends.
God used our experience of suffering and the resources invested in us to direct us to begin the ministry of WFM. Part of our vision is to bring emotional health awareness and resources to individuals, through churches and other organizations.
Our Story
Though both small-town kids, we grew up in pretty different settings--Katie in a faith-filled home in SoCal, Adam on a ranch in NorCal. We met at church in 2005 and were married in 2007. Adam attended Calvary Chapel Bible College and served as a pastor for over 15 years. Katie attended Pepperdine University as an art major and has freelanced as a graphic designer for several years.
Our relationship has been tested through trials and hardships, and we depend on God's grace to carry our marriage and family through the difficulties of life. Meanwhile, we love ministering together and watching people's lives be transformed by Jesus and the truth which sets us free.

About the Wilsons
Silly, fun, huggy, sensitive, high-energy, creative, creation-loving, hiking/biking, Jesus-and-people lovers--all phrases that describe this bunch. And all traits we are learning to embrace. Katie and Deutro could sit and draw for hours on end. Ames and Aden could hunt for bugs all day in the garden. Adam and Ames could entertain crowds of people non stop, quoting movies and funny videos. Katie is an introvert, Adam is an extrovert, and we all love people. Learning how God has created each of us, for a purpose, has been a fun part of how He has been growing us. And learning how He has created those around us has been life giving. Being thankful for our strengths, and acknowledging and surrendering our weaknesses--the Wilsons are working hard to keep it real...